I just love this Bible. It is so fantastic in so many ways. The Drop caps are magnificent.
I love the format and the blue print. Humble Lamb puts introductions and drop caps before each section and where they begin rather at the start of each chapter. And they come with introductions that are just great. I just love the readability of this Bible. It's so goooooooo!!! The Dore illustrations are magnificent and I love them so much. They elevate the whole Bible and make me feel like I'm holding a masterpiece tome from the 18th or 19th century.
I suppose that you could find moans and gripes with any Bible. For instance I really dont know much or anything about Meritian goatskin and how it differs from other leathers or covers. But it feels great in the hand and seems like it will hold up great and just laugh at the concept of being used often. I might have preferred the 95 NASB but I understand the appeal of the 2020.
This Bible just begs you to hold it and read it and enjoy it.
So many little touches and niceties went into its design and I cant even find room or time to mention them all in this review.
I suppose that at the end of the day the most positive thing that I could say about the Humble Lamb Bible is the fact that I actually bought 2. And half want a third .... though I assume an update will come soon.
WhT is Meritian Goatskin ? Seriously do a better job of teaching us about what we are buying.
Overall it's just great .... like the Holy Scripture should be.