Prepare to rediscover the most-loved translation of the Word of God. Available in four stunning colors, the KJV Lion features Meritian Goatskin, large print, a next-generation cross-reference system, defined archaic terms, and Illustrations by Gustave Doré. Now with wider margins and a more distinctive blue for the words of Christ.
The King James Bible stands with dignity amidst the current of our fast-paced modern world. Essentially unmodified for over four hundred years, this translation from the ancient Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts remains the most popular English-language Bible of all time.
Quality matters. The Bible is a precious book; it should last for generations. For this reason, the KJV Lion is enclosed with the best quality goatskin leather available. The cover is paired with a synthetic liner resulting in a sturdy yet flexible binding. It's impossible to explain the way Meritian Goatskin feels in the hand. You just have to try it for yourself.
Blue Edition
Blue Meritian Goatskin cover, burnt orange liner, blue-under-gold art-gilt or fore-edge gilt, and copper ribbons
You can now order the KJV Lion with a custom fore-edge design. We worked closely with an artist to create this majestic image rendered using a technique known as "Pointillism," where tiny dots blend to form the image.
A blue, black, red, green, purple, or pink art-gilt is available for the Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Purple, and Pink editions, respectively.
From top left, clockwise:
Lion fore-edge design (available with all editions)
Green-under-gold art-gilt (Forest Pine Edition)
Purple-under-gold art-gilt (Amethyst Edition)
Blue-under-gold art-gilt (Sahara Blue Edition)
From top:
Lion fore-edge design (available with all editions)
Green-under-gold art-gilt (Forest Pine Edition)
Blue-under-gold art-gilt (Sahara Blue Edition)
Purple-under-gold art-gilt (Amethyst Edition)
From top left, clockwise:
Lion fore-edge design (available with all editions)
Green-under-gold art-gilt (Forest Pine Edition)
Purple-under-gold art-gilt (Amethyst Edition)
Blue-under-gold art-gilt (Sahara Blue Edition)
From top:
Lion fore-edge design (available with all editions)
Green-under-gold art-gilt (Forest Pine Edition)
Blue-under-gold art-gilt (Sahara Blue Edition)
Purple-under-gold art-gilt (Amethyst Edition)
If you are spending more time searching through cross-references than actually reading the Bible, something is wrong. That's why we designed the KJV Lion with a cross-reference system that prioritizes ease-of-use. Now you can find the cross-reference you are looking for in a simple glance.
The Authorized King James Version remains the most trusted and respected translation of the Bible today. But since a portion of its vocabulary has fallen out of our modern lexicon, we’ve added definitions from Webster’s 1828 and 1913 English Dictionaries and Wright's 1876 Bible Word-Book to the bottom of each page to clarify archaic and confusing terms.
The design of the KJV Lion references traditional Bible layouts with its double-column, verse-by-verse typeset, but moves beyond them to enhance the readability of the text and the beauty of the page. Within the line-matched text, bold drop caps signpost each chapter and serve as an homage to the ornate flourishes found in some of the earliest copies of the King James Version.
The book block is Smyth-sewn, a method of binding that not only provides durability but also allows the Bible to lay flat from Genesis to Revelation.
The book block is Smyth-sewn, a method of
binding that not only provides durability but also allows the Bible to lay flat from Genesis to Revelation.
Large print typeface enhances the readability of the text.
3 double satin ribbons complement each edition both aesthetically and functionally.
3 double satin ribbons complement each edition both aesthetically and functionally.
European-sourced paper provides greater thickness and opacity.
Is a picture worth a thousand words? Gustave Doré’s illustrations certainly make a case for the affirmative. The KJV Lion features these powerful illustrations thoughtfully placed throughout the Testaments for you to discover as you study God's word.
Authorized King James Version
Double-column, verse-by-verse
11 pt. Milo Serif
9 x 6 inches
Available in Sahara Blue, Forest Pine, Amethyst, and Black
1805 pages & 36gsm
At the bottom of each page